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- J E McDonald
The Line That Holds The Kite Page 11
The Line That Holds The Kite Read online
Page 11
My phone buzzes on the drawers next to me breaking me out of my thoughts. I hastily answer it before it wakes my sleeping beauty.
“What’s up Jack?” I whisper into the phone.
“Can you come...get me?” He slurs into the phone. Shit, he is fucking bladdered.
“Jack, fuck you sound bladdered, how much have you had to drink?” I sit up, gently untangling myself from Ellie, standing to pull my underwear on.
“I don’t know, a lot! Just come…get me...” He mumbles. I anxiously pull at my hair and rush into the walk-in, looking for anything to wear besides the suit I came here in. The very idea of Jack being in danger, makes my blood run cold. I take a deep breath to calm down.
“Fucks sake Jack, I haven’t got the car with me, I am staying at the Astoria. Stay where you are, I’ll track your phone and come and get you in the town car.” I say harshly into the phone; the kid is getting out of control. Shagging birds, getting wasted, serious fucking attitude problem. The little shit is turning into me, and that I will not let happen! I put the phone down and call David to come and pick me up. When I re-enter the bedroom, wearing what I assume is my dad’s grey jogger bottoms, matching t-shirt and Nike trainers, Ellie is sitting up in the bed, rubbing her eyes.
“Babe, what’s wrong? Has something happened? Why are you dressed?” her voice is groggy from sleep. I walk over to the bed and kiss her forehead.
“Nothing has happened, Jack is drunk and needs me to pick him up, go back to sleep, I will be back soon.” As I stand back up, she grabs hold of my wrist.
“Wait, I will go with you, is he in trouble?” the worry in her eyes for my little brother, makes me love her even more.
“No baby, he is just a little fucker. Go back to sleep, I won’t be long, I promise.” I kiss her softly on the lips and walk towards the door.
“Okay, wake me as soon as your back, I love you.” She says as she lies back down, already drifting back into sleep.
Chapter Forty-Five – Nathan
Fifteen minutes later I am walking around another penthouse suite, it is not as fancy as ours, but it’s still nice. The phone tracking app is the best invention ever. There is what seems like hundreds of drunk, coked up teenagers either passed out or dancing scattered all around the place, the smell of cannabis clings to the air. I notice the bottles of alcohol and lines of drugs on nearly every surface of the place, and my stomach recoils. I get flashbacks from my past and have to swallow down the bile that is rising in my throat.
I ask everyone I see, where Jack Crane is, not getting a straight, coherent answer from anyone. I can feel myself getting more worried and angrier with every minute that passes.
I find the iPod dock and turn the music off; I am seething.
“WHERE THE FUCK IS JACK CRANE?” I shout, a dozen, unfocused eyes look over at me.
“He went into the back room with Beth.” A pretty girl, with dark hair and sad blue eyes, sitting on the kitchen counter tells me. She points to a door at the far end of the suite. She looks familiar.
“Thanks.” I say as I storm through the suite. I realise she is the girl that Jack showed Ellie on his phone. The one he was supposedly dating. I am going to kick this little pricks head in. She seems like the only decent person in this place and instead of being with her, he’s banging the snotty bitch again.
I barge into the bedroom. Jack is sprawled across the bed mumbling ‘Fuck off Beth’ as she sits astride him, giggling, trying to pull his pants off. I don’t think so, slut.
“Did you not hear him? Fuck off Beth!” I snarl and she jumps off of him, startled.
“We were just messing around.” She says in her shrill American accent.
“He is barely conscious, you skank! And didn’t he swerve your arse last week?” the acid in my voice makes her recoil, her eyes grow wary of me.
I walk over and practically drag Jack into a standing position, throwing his arm around my shoulders, supporting his weight.
“Can you walk?” I ask him, adjusting him as he slumps against me.
“Mmm.” He mumbles.
“Jack, can you walk, or do I have to fucking carry you?” I slap his face, and he opens his eyes fully. He straightens himself, grinning like a mad man at me.
“Did he take anything? Drugs?” I snap at the Blair wannabe.
“No, he’s just wasted.” She sneers at me. Bitch, don’t!
“Alright, our kid.” Jack says and starts stumbling along with me, as I half carry him through the apartment.
As we reach the elevator, some dickhead in a sweater vest starts laughing and shouting “Look at Crane, dude is so wasted!” I lean Jack against the wall and turn around, this dickhead is actually filming my baby brother on his phone.
I snap.
I storm towards him, grab the phone, and launch it at the nearest wall, smashing the screen. I punch the dweeb right in the fucking face, he crashes to the ground. Adrenaline running through my veins, I haven’t had a good fight in months, my blood is pumping. He tries to stand up and I punch him again, the familiar sting in my knuckles.
“Don’t get up dickhead! You try and take the piss out of him again and I will fucking end you!” I turn on my heel as the elevator dings, signalling its arrival. I grab hold of the back of Jack’s shirt and drag him through the open doors. Just as the doors start to close a girl’s hand stops them and walks into the elevator with us. It’s the girl from before, the one who’s photograph is on Jack’s phone.
“Sorry, I just thought he would need his jacket?” She says handing me Jack’s suit jacket.
“His cell and wallet are in the pocket. Do you mind taking me to Park Avenue?” She asks timidly. Shit, is she afraid of me?
“Yeah, sure, thanks for getting his stuff.” I tell her as Jack falls into me. I wrap my arm around his waist, steadying him.
“I thought he was dating you?” I ask the pretty girl, wishing I could remember her name.
“So did I.” she averts her eyes from me, she looks upset and I feel sorry for her. I am going to make Jack feel like total shit tomorrow.
The drive to park avenue is short and quiet, the girl doesn’t speak she just gazes out the window. When we pull up to her townhouse, she says goodbye and climbs out of the car.
Feeling bad I roll the window down and shout to her “I will get him to call you.”
“Don’t.” she says and walks into the house.
I glare at a passed-out Jack as we drive away.
You are a fucking idiot mate!
After stripping Jack to his boxers, I put him in the bedroom next to the master, making sure he is lying on his side. If he vomits there is a bin next to the bed and a bottle of water on the dresser. I leave the door ajar so I can hear him, in case he needs me through the night.
I strip out of my dad’s clothes and climb into bed with Ellie, wrapping myself around her, inhaling her scent.
“Everything okay?” she mumbles.
“Yeah, he’s in the next room asleep. I don’t think I have ever seen him that drunk, in fact, I know I haven’t.” I tell her as I pull her closer, her back to my front, the perfect spooning position. I kiss the back of her neck, nuzzling her hair.
“At least he is home and safe, you’re a good brother.” She murmurs.
“Yeah he is. Wait, what are you wearing?” I pull back slightly as I realise, she is wearing something silky. I feel the familiar heat in my stomach, and I harden.
“I was cold when you left the bed, so I looked for some pyjamas but all there was in the dresser was silk nightgowns, shorts and vests. So, I just borrowed these.” She says all this without turning around, and I realise the silk shorts and vests she is wearing must be Casey’s. The fire in my stomach has just had a bucket of ice thrown over it.
“Urgh, I have just been turned on by you wearing my step monster’s silky lingerie.” I feel a bit nauseous.
“First of all, they are pyjamas not lingerie, that would be disgusting if I wore her sex un
derwear. Secondly, they had tags on them like they had never been worn, so technically I am the only person who has worn them.” She giggles as she snuggles closer to me, pulling my arm tighter around her waist.
“Well they are yours now, and she will never wear them. The feel of them against your skin is making me hard. I would be scarred for life if I ever see her walking around in them.” I say.
“Fine, now go asleep you pest!” she laughs.
I laugh at her jibe and gradually fall back asleep holding my princess.
Chapter Forty-Six – Ellie
I wake to an empty bed; a note is on the pillow next to me in Nathan’s handwriting.
Come down to the kitchen we have ordered breakfast.
Wear the dressing gown, I don’t want to murder my brother for gawking at you! ;)
Love you N xxx
I smile at his note, and climb out of bed, he has placed the matching dressing gown to my new pyjamas on the chair next to the dresser. I double knot the belt, so it doesn’t fall open and reveal my chest. I don’t want Jack gawking at me either, not that he would.
When I enter the kitchen, the smell of eggs and bacon invades my nostrils and my stomach rumbles. Nathan is reading a newspaper whilst holding a cup of coffee and Jack is scrolling through his phone eating toast.
“Morning!” I say to announce myself.
They both look up at me and smile, Nathan puts the newspaper and coffee on the counter, he holds out his arms for me to walk into. I love it when he does that.
“Morning gorgeous!” he says and kisses me, he tries to pry open my mouth with his tongue, but I stiffen, feeling uncomfortable with Jack being in the room.
“Urgh, I am fragile as it is without you two playing tonsil tennis in front of me!” Jack whines, humour in his voice. We both laugh and I pull away from my sexy man.
“Sorry Jack, can you pass the bacon.” I say bashfully.
“Don’t be saying sorry to him, he is just jealous because he has fucked things up with that girl. He’s stuck with the necrophiliac now! Dickhead!” Nathan sneers at Jack, I can hear the tinge of anger in his voice. He is pissed off.
“Nay, I said I was sorry, I didn’t take drugs and calling her a necrophilliac is a bit extreme isn’t it? Besides you’re the one who knocked Clayton Whitely out in front of everyone!” Jack snaps at his brother.
“No, it is not extreme! The skank was trying to drag your pants off you whilst you were barely conscious! The place stunk of weed and there was coke everywhere! And that twat was filming you on his phone and laughing about it, he deserved it!” Nathan is furious, I have never seen him this pissed off.
“Woah, what the hell have I missed?” I ask as the two brothers glare at each other.
Nathan fills me in on the details of last night, Jack continues scrolling through his phone, pushing his food around his plate. He actually seems a little embarrassed.
“Okay, so maybe you shouldn’t be allowed out anymore!” I jest and Jack looks up at me relieved that I have broken some of the tension in the room. “You should definitely call Jessica and apologise; it must have hurt her to see you go into the bedroom with Beth. Even if nothing happened, she doesn’t know that.” I tell Jack and his frown softens. I know he really likes her; I can see the guilt in his eyes.
“She said she doesn’t want him to call her.” Nathan says, pulling me onto his lap.
“Nathan, you aren’t helping! You have scolded him and made him feel awful, give it a rest now, you can see he feels like shit.” My tone is harsher than I intended it to be, but I have become a little protective of Jack myself, and he feels bad enough.
“Yes, Boss.” Nathan laughs as he kisses my jaw, sending a shiver through my body. I fidget on his lap and he smirks, knowing full well the effect he has on me.
“What if she doesn’t pick up? I don’t want to make a tit out of myself.” Jack asks, he averts his eyes from Nathan who sniggers and instead stares directly at me. Almost pleading with his eyes for advice.
“Jack, no offence but it sounds like you have already made a tit out of yourself. You owe that girl an apology, by what Nathan has told me, she was really upset, which indicates she likes you, and I know you like her. Just bite the bullet.” I tell him, surprised by the confidence behind my advice. One relationship and I am suddenly the expert.
“Okay, I suppose you’re right.” Jack picks his phone up from the counter and calls Jessica, leaving the room.
“I love that you two have become close.” Nathan turns me slightly in his lap so he can see my face, he smiles and kisses my cheek.
“I feel protective of him. It’s like I gained a little brother along with my perfect, sexy boyfriend.” I push my fingers into his hair and tug gently, pulling his mouth up to meet mine so I can finally get my proper kiss. He tastes of coffee mixed with the mint from my toothpaste, its intoxicating. One of his hand glides up my back, pressing me closer to his body, whilst the other slips under the dressing gown to squeeze my breast. My body tingles all over with excitement and pleasure. I love his hands on me, I don’t know what I did before him, before this. I honestly don’t think I would ever survive if I lost him, his touch. I rock my hips in his lap and he stills.
“Baby, carry on doing that, and I will lay you across this counter, regardless of Jack being here.” He growls and then playfully bites down on my bottom lip. My body is on fire, I am so needy for him, it’s embarrassing.
“I don’t think I am ready for an audience.” I giggle against his mouth, stroking my hands across his bare chest and encircling his neck.
“The only one who will ever see this curvy little body, is me.” He says seriously with a stubborn pout; I can’t help but laugh.
“Only you, Baby.” I murmur against his mouth, nibbling his full, pouty, bottom lip.
“I love you!” he mumbles against my mouth. He closes his eyes and presses his forehead against mine.
“I love you more.” I say back, bringing my hands around to cup his cheeks.
“Not possible.” He replies, pressing me even closer to him.
“Ay, there is four fucking bedrooms in this place, can you go and find one? I already feel sick without seeing use two practically dry humping in the kitchen!” Jack says as he re-enters the room. Nathan and I pull away slightly and both crack up laughing at Jack’s little outburst.
“Jealous?” Nathan says as he gently releases me from his lap. I straighten and pour the three of us some coffee.
“No lad, I’ll just go and pick Jessica up, bring her here, and feel her up in front of you, see how you like it!” Jack says in jest, humour dancing in his hazel eyes.
“Urgh, I get your point! That is an image I don’t need in my head; we will keep it PG.” Nathan visibly shudders.
“So, I guess you’re forgiven?” I ask Jack.
“Yeah, amazingly she believes me, I wouldn’t touch Beth now with his dick.” He points his thumb in Nathan’s direction. “I told her I wanted to be with her. So, she is mine now!” he shrugs his shoulders the same way Nathan does. I snort, almost spitting out my coffee. Nathan raises his eyebrows and smirks at me.
“What’s funny?” Jack asks, clearly confused.
“Nothing, you just sound like him. Possessive.” I state, smirking back at Nathan.
“Hey, I’m not possessive. You are mine, that’s just a fact!” he grins at me and I roll my eyes.
After picking up our clothes and schoolwork from my dorm and the Armonk house, we spend the rest of the day sitting cross-legged on the jade green velvet corner couch at the penthouse, completing our assignments for Columbia. Jack brought Jessica back two hours ago and they haven’t left his bedroom since. Every so often, Nathan makes a snide comment about what they are doing, and how we should be doing the same, instead of studying like a pair of nerds. I smile and roll my eyes. He finds little ways to touch me all afternoon, I have to swat his hands away and tell him to concentrate, to which I am rewarded with smiles and pouts.
My little pest.
Chapter Forty-Seven – Nathan and Ellie
“Let’s go out, I am going stir crazy in here.” Ellie looks up at me from her mountain of papers, she looks as worn out as me, we have been completing course work for hours.
“Where would you like to go?” She replies yawning.
“Anywhere, its Saturday night and we need a break! Call Sienna and see if anything is going on at university?” I suggest and her eyes light up.
“Yeah okay, I feel like I haven’t spent any time with her in weeks!” she says as she grabs her phone from the coffee table.
“That’s because you haven’t! We haven’t spent time with anyone outside the family!” I say and start gathering all our schoolwork together and place it in a neat pile on the table.
“She says there is a private party at 1 Oak? Everyone is going apparently.” Ellie says holding the phone away from her ear.
“Sound, let’s change clothes and go, tell her to text the address.” I say as I go upstairs to get changed. I hear Ellie finish up her conversation and follow me up the stairs to change herself.
“Jack, we are going to a party, do you want to come?” I say through his bedroom door, I daren’t go in, what I see might blind me.
“No!” He shouts back and I hear Jessica shriek and then giggle.
“You ready to go?” As I turn around, my jaw drops. Ellie looks ravishing. She is wearing a short black, sequin dress with black, patent leather heeled ankle boots. Her tights are a sheer silver. Her blonde hair is tightly curled, in a half up, half down style. She doesn’t need makeup, but the subtle black flicks make her blue eyes sparkle. Beautiful.
“Maybe we should stay in.” I groan as I drag my eyes down her body.
“No, we are going! We stay in all the time!” She says as she reaches for me and strokes her thumb across my lip. I literally sigh at her touch. I take her hand and lead her out to the car.